February 5, 2025

What is New Hampshire Citizens for the Arts?

NH Citizens for the Arts, founded more than 25 years ago, is a statewide non-partisan organization advocating for development and support of the arts. NH Citizens for the Arts represents all of the cultural resources of our state and seeks to create an atmosphere where the arts can flourish.

What does New Hampshire Citizens for the Arts do?

Awareness: NH Citizens for the Arts works to educate local, state, and federal policy-makers and the general public about the importance of the arts in New Hampshire: for the education of our children, the vitality of our towns and cities, the health of our economy, and the inspiration and enjoyment of our citizens. We maintain a web site, hold an Annual Meeting for members, and occasionally sponsor other events to raise awareness and foster public interest in the arts.

Advocacy: NH Citizens for the Arts advocates for appropriate government support for the arts in order to strengthen opportunities for participation in the arts for all citizens.

Action: NH Citizens for the Arts identifies and monitors issues directly affecting the arts and supports political action to encourage legislation that makes it possible for the arts to thrive.

    • Our first priority is to support the budget of the NH State Council on the Arts. In this state budget cycle, we are advocating for a substantial increase in the Arts Council’s budget to bring the state appropriation for the arts to $1.00 per citizen.


    • We also work to keep federal arts grants coming to New Hampshire; to preserve the state’s Percent for Art Program; to support historic preservation initiatives, including LCHIP; to enhance the high-school arts credit required for graduation; to encourage support for public TV and radio; to eliminate proposed entertainment taxes on tickets to cultural events; and to stop efforts to tax nonprofits’ properties.


    • New Hampshire has one of the few state grant programs in the nation dedicated to the renovation and construction of cultural facilities. NH Citizens for the Arts has worked with the state legislature to maintain funding for this program.


    • Through Americans for the Arts, a national advocacy organization, NH Citizens for the Arts joins with other arts advocates from around the country to strengthen support for the National Endowments for the Arts and the Humanities.

What can YOU do?

Join us! NH Citizens for the Arts is volunteer-run and supported primarily by membership donations.

As a member of NH Citizens for the Arts, you will be an informed advocate working for the arts in your town, your schools, and your state. You will receive email Action Alerts to keep you up to date about legislation and other important arts issues, and you will be invited to our Annual Meeting. You will add your voice to that of many others to strengthen the arts in New Hampshire.

Your membership helps to carry out this important work and ensure a vibrant arts community for the benefit of all our citizens. Please take a few moments to fill out and return the enclosed membership form. Your investment in NH Citizens for the Arts is an investment in the future of the arts in New Hampshire. Thank you for your support!
Further information will be available at our web site www.nhcfa.org, or email us at info@nhcfa.org.